For water heating :
POMPE À CHALEUR PSA- Edenpac, Europac and Optipac are powerful appliances
designed for heating up private, public or all kinds of
out-door pools.
Its digital thermostat and waterflow manometer
enable you to adjust the water temperature at will. ( please contact us for more information ).
( pour savoir plus sur ce produit, veuiller nous consulter)
For water treatment :
ARCH WATER PRODUCTS - Your pool water has to be disinfected (germ free)
and in the same time acts as a disinfectant to
eliminate the germ that brought by swimmers. It
needs to be pleasantly clean and clear ( neither
smelly nor irratating ).
( For more details, please refer its website:
- A chlore or electrolysis based product. With its user-friendly employment, all work within reach of a button, water becomes nice and pure;
( for more information, please contact us )
For pool maintenance and cleaning :
POLARIS 280 - Designed for standard-sized pools, Robot Polaris 280 possesses distinctive features as follows :
- 2 jets for effective aspiration,
- ideal for all standard size, digged pools,
- wide aspiration neck allows to suck in all kind of deposits
from the pool bottom,
- its backward valve enhances a multidirectional movement
without blockade.
Robot Polaris 280 is for those who want to enjoy their pool
and forget about the cleaning.
( Please contact us for further details about this product )
AQUABOT & VIVA - In one and a quarter hour, these two robots can clean up
your pool as well as the bordered waterline.
Equipped with a “E-Z SWIVEL” system to avoid the
winding of the electic wire, the system is fixed at the
wire end, close to the plug which connects the wire and the
They are among the most competitive robots in the market.
( For more details of these robots, please contact us )
For adding in tonic strength :
UWE JETSTREAM - A new generation belongs perfectly to your pool with their
unseen design, a symbol of sure efficiency and real
The revived water relaxes your overwork muscle, sculpts
gently your body and generously dispenses you with tonus,
health, sport and life joy.
( For further details, please contact us )
Massages localisés uwe JetStream
Pour se masser les cuisses, calmer une légère douleur dans le dos ou décontracter des reins courbaturés, réglez votre uwe Jetstream à l'intensité voulue, orientez le jet sur l'endroit souhaité et... profitez-en, cela fait du bien.
Massages généralisés
En rentrant du bureau ou au début du week-end, un bon massage généralisé du corps dans un torrent de bulles d'air et d'eau dosées à votre goût, c'est le meilleur remède anti-stress : la puissance d'un vrai uwe JetStream est très appréciable.
Imaginez un courant d'eau réglé à point pour simplement flotter et nager doucement au milieu de petites bulles d'air et d'eau mélangées. L'eau devient caresse, le corps et l'esprit oublient tout... Votre uwe JetStream est source d'un bonheur simple. A renouveler à volonté, durée illimitée.
Oxygénation du corps
Même programme que relaxation-détente mais un petit peu plus de puissance et surtout de bulles d'air. Une fois réglée, avec les sensations voulues, orientez la buse partout sur le corps. Programme vivifiant et revigorant à renouveler le plus souvent possible.
Free nage*
Une petite brasse relaxante, avec cequ'il faut de bulles d'air pour vivifier le corps, c'est très agréable... Et pour les accros de la nage sportive, réglez votre uwe JetStream à fond et allez-y... Avec la réserve de puissance disponible, c'est vous qui serez fatigué en premier, la force du courant pouvant atteindre la vitesse du record olympique du 100 m nage libre.
*nage libre sans limite |
Jeux aquatiques façon
Les enfants adorent ça.
Et quand, grâce au uwe JetStream réglé à fond, le ballon prend vie dans un torrent d'eau bouillonante, la joie et les rires sont garantis.
( pour en savoir plus, veuillez nous consulter)
For pool security : (Reminder of french law)
ALARME AQUAPLOUF - complied with the security standard, , AQUAPLOUF is
fitted to all digged and non-fenced pools of personal
usage. Easy to install and to use.
( To get more details, contact us at your convenience )
planted at corners along the pool’s perimeter, SATURN
alarms are meant to keep the children of age under 5 away
from entering the pool.
The system consists of 2, 3 or 4 light posts whose infra-red
beams connect to alarm siren. It provides an effective
protection around the pool.
It warns an adult and the child if he is getting too close to
the pool ( preventive effect ).
( for more details, please contact us )
- One covering for all your needs; it replaces the isothermic one for summer,
the wintering one, the retractor and all other security systems.
Its aluminium shaped ends pressing on the covering lie all on the pool edges,
and never touche the pool water.
This covering protects your pool from all outdoors pollutions, both in summer
and in winter.
( for more details, please refer to the website : )
- equipped with a retractor either off-ground or immersed, the automatic
covering ECA is designed to prevent children of age under 5 to enter the pool.
( for further details, please contact us )
*Supervising attentively is the only way for children’s security !!!!